When it comes to events, there aren’t many that are more glamorous than a casino night, and if you decide to hold it in a castle, you take glamour to its highest possible levels. With a castle available for a range of events, if you need to hold a fundraiser, why not get in touch, and find out exactly how we can help? Advantages of a casino night There are so many advantages to holding a casino night. The advent of online casinos means that many more people are now familiar with the rules of games such as poker and roulette, and even those thatRead More →

Scotland, in general, is packed with castles, all of which have a fascinating history, but none more so than those located in the Angus area around the city of Dundee. Glamis Castle  One of the most famous castles in Scotland, or in the UK as a whole, is Glamis Castle. There has been a royal residence on the site for more than 1,000 years, and in 1034 it was the scene of the murder of King Malcolm II of Scotland. The death of the King was fictionalised by William Shakespeare in the play Macbeth, although, in reality, Macbeth was not connected to the castleRead More →